That was smart [...] quoted from six + sixty works, Issue 02/08, : That was
The Brisk-chic styling cream
you were in the 50s, 60s and 70s, the rage, now it lying around in cupboards, drawers, basements and attics: Things that used to be "right" chic. Some things are long forgotten, others are currently experiencing a renaissance. And there are still many things.
opens with a sound knorzenden the black flip-top lid of the bright red tube, and after a few Seconds emanates the scent: it smells a bit like baby cream and honey, delicately sweet indicated. Not everyone's cup of tea. And yet there are men who swear to "Brisk". For decades. For "Brisk" in the illuminating presentation is the first hour of styling cream for men. Has replaced in the post-war years, the lead-heavy pomade from the 30s and 40s. The white mass that soon hatches into the hair ends, in the fashion-conscious men the world still appreciated because it leaves little of the usual gel tack. "For a real hedgehog look> Brisk 'is not intended, it is too weak. However, one can serious and magic really fancy hairstyles, "says a new customer, who discovered the striking tube for the first time as a child with his father in Fürth. That was in the sixties. On Saturday, before visiting the home game of Fürth Game Association, carefully combed the daddy "Brisk" in her hair. And it was at the game too so stormy, dad saw yet even after two hours out of a peeled egg. Nearly 40 years later, now ventured to the son a styling cream self-test: "Although I see quite smeared out, but the head is dry. No danger of a cold, "is his result. Father has also appreciated.