love. groooße love.
I'm totally in love with the little ones. (:
actually me, the netbook is not real. It belongs to my parents and me. I've got my laptop. : D but my dad has been allowed to choose the business from a netbook and now it is here. or it is .. in my lap. for I mean, who is in my family to work the most? correct. : P
and I am totally surprised how long the battery lasts. I did last night almost exclusively viewed videos. the battery was still not feel empty. not nearly. maybe I'm just not up to date, but my own laptop [the really a bit dated, but very good nonetheless. : D] was always total quickly. especially when I watched videos on YouTube.
but I must say that I can manage not yet with Windows 7. that's no contest, especially since I have no idea about something, just AAAB is still all a bit new and incomprehensible to me. but everything will come. I look something fairly quickly. : P
RAM 1 GB .. is nich really much, but for once here so browse the Internet's enough I suppose from perfect. (:
Conclusion: I love * cough * my Lenovo IdeaPad S10-2 ♥