First, the video that I found today. This explains a chemist (or a man in a lab coat), what it really means the age of the world, evolution and the Bible itself. In the next episode: we a biologist, why the general theory of relativity gaps ask ... well, not funny. Also, I have a feeling that my sarcasm need later on.
Earth is 6.000 Years Old
Initially a small review of which is to us to imagine in the dispute opposing scientific camps. Of course, creationism is far from having anything to do with science - on the other side with the guy after all, a lab coat.
From the Bible can be deduced that the earth was created 6,000 years ago by God. Before 4400 years, the great flood took place, may have been born 2000 years ago Jesus. Then the reply, after which the universe some 20 billion years ago had its beginning should have (according to recent research there are less than 14 billion years). The earth is to exist for about four and a half billion years ago and the first life may have occurred before 3 billion years.
far, so good. But even here the excitement fades to a video that at least gives the appearance of respectability. Those who are not before a discussion dealing with the opposite side, they should not begin. describe the big bang as an explosion is a sure indicator of a fundamental lack of understanding of the universe. Reminder: the universe is defined as everything, including space and time. An explosion is a shock wave that propagates in space and time and from a reaction of elements results. The Big Bang also marked the birth of the universe. Going back to time zero, the considered small-minded do not really exist, we find that both matter and space and time for an explosion missing. The Big Bang was simply the beginning of the conditions that make an explosion possible.
Next in the video. After enumerating the various inhuman long-lived descendants of Adam and showing the timeline of the Bible follows the calculation of the age of all being based on another source, by defining an arbitrary period of time in a generation, it multiplied by the number of generations between Adam and Jesus despite pulled out of the air 50 years per generation, a deviation of nearly 7% to the Bible Version section and check off the whole thing as confirmation.
Now for the scientific world view in which the earth billions of years old. Hangers are the various layers of rock that can be seen in some places of the earth. With the recent shifts in the earth's surface, so it penetrates further into the past, the deeper one goes. Refuted this notion with a crude chart of North America from the air, showing older rock strata in the north, south younger. This provides our chemists as evidence that the dating of rock strata is based on impossible, because the graph, the older layers "on top" maps. Either I have misunderstood something - or here to be happy with the north above equated in the sense of lesser proximity to the center of the earth.
There they are again, the comparisons. Only the fairy with the magic wand that makes the frog to prince. Then, in direct connection and "even more fantastic," announced the theory of evolution. Here, too, shows again the fundamental ignorance with which the Durchschnittskreationist the object considered his criticism. Of course I would also laugh at each, the me of worms that after a few accidents in fish, after a few more turn into amphibians, then in cats, monkeys, and finally biology professor, says. Who would not? Unfortunately, Mr. Pendleton is on this view also do not like the frequent use of the phrase "by chance" shows. I am almost fascinated by the fact that almost all have Kreationismusverfechter the exact same level of knowledge regarding the evolution. Perhaps this is but only because people with less biological knowledge would never think to publish a video on the subject. And everyone who really understood evolution, no Kreationismusverfechter. Anyway ... in the spirit of the Enlightenment a few facts Evolutionary theory and coincidences:
- the only element of chance in connection with the theory of evolution is the mutation. Mutations are changes in the genome of an organism, in most cases at a disadvantage and lead to death from a certain point, but can sometimes have benefits for the organism. Mutations occur constantly, whether by error in copying the complex DNA molecule by internal factors such as free radicals or external influences such as radiation. Most of the damage is repaired by specific enzymes, a fraction is not.
- merge with the mutation and external events to change the so-called gene pool of a population. If a group of organisms such as an earthquake split into two groups, now about a sunken land bridge may develop no more contact with each other, individuals of the two groups separately in future. The more different the new habitats are, the more the two groups differ over time from one another. Why this is so, explains the ...
- ... selection that has nothing to do with chance and the second pillar of evolution. The selection is the sorting out of living things that are not adapted well enough to their environment. This can be illustrated most easily by an example.
... this will follow the dates, I have to go to bed, good night!