Today I was at the SuisseToy in Bern. Of course I have particularly interested in the model trains. Thankfully I'm not so inclined "unilaterally", otherwise I would be after a quarter of an hour already been to the output.

Despite the weak public rally on Friday made the two major exhibitors a good job. In addition to the model presentation, there were many gripping and games for children. This was also in the other areas (games, model making, crafts, etc.) The main motto: Try it yourself and experience. Well done!
But again back to the topic. When Märklin as I was approached by a dealer to whether I would notice the missing Swiss innovations. Indeed Issued were especially new models of Austrian and German railways. From Lilliput Arwico were with many Swiss innovations - even those that are only announced for the end of year - issued.
A highlight for me was a system with track 0

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