Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Milena Melva Milk Tit

the other day model railroad business

The time before Christmas was of course the annual highlight for the model train dealer. I do not know if the business has gone well for them. One hears this and that and probably not always get objective answers. In two or three examples that I have noticed, I must also ask whether the so-called crisis of Model Trains not already in the POS (Point of Sale, Business for Sale New Germany) begins.

A dealer has received a few weeks before Christmas, a geographically well-Lok suits his business (arms) and hopes to get even non-railroad workers to address. Therefore, he not only ordered a piece of it from the importer, but several. Sold it has been only one pre-ordered model. But for the residents of the community know that there is buy this engine there? Probably not, because in business, only the "usual" buyer be addressed. Additional (cross) marketing? Of course not, which are then already noted that there is something new for me ...

Elsewhere there are half a dozen packages start from Märklin at an affordable price to buy. Actually, ideal as a Christmas gift. The same picture: In addition to the regular customers get to no one. No listing, nothing in the shop window, but the question why are not sold after Christmas, five of six.

I know this will not be the norm and not every dealer is so passive. But we must not only make "the industry" and "crisis" for the decline in charge, but may have to show yourself a little initiative and imagination. And that may not always be expensive.

today told me - and as a third example - a model railroader, that he now for the last time in his parent merchants. He had in the past few years have bought a five-figure sum material. But today, the dealer wanted to dismiss an obvious damage to a newly purchased car as operator error by a short circuit and refused to guarantee the chassis replaced. Instead, he asked for 30 francs for the Sending of the repair site. The amount had angered him even more disappointed him but that the seller did not want to deal with a debug, but wanted to sell like something new.

old marketing rule: A satisfied customer tells on his experience to a person, an unhappy customer But at least at ten.


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