The theme for the young model railroad is discussed not only by us bloggers, but also in various forums busy. In the Swiss Railway Forum have been around longer a Thread therefor, of which I would like to quote the post of a young colleague:
In reading through this thread are a few things happened that I can confirm only too well.
In our association, the WEA (Winterthur railway Amateur, where we have an exhibition at the 14./15.5.10) we had Until recently, major recruitment problems. Such was the Mindesteinsteigsalter in 16 years when I actually found myself with 11 years of membership I was interested systematically excluded until the year 2002, our youth groups was created. But since the early days were hard, the old established member partout wanted to be alone for himself, and not noticed that the number of members dwindled in just 3 years to 50 members, solely by''natural''outlets. In 2008 came the turn of the longtime president, who announced his resignation due to health reasons, could not find a successor to long. The club was almost on the brink of, to our current president, the first 25 years is young, has been aware of what could go as lost. He reported spontaneously as president with some conditions which put inter alia, the involvement of young very great importance. And lo and behold, within a very short time, there were several young members under 16. The old club structures were forgotten at once, and our association has achieved a turnaround and is rising on a border road.
Another problem is, in my opinion, the attitude of the one who people / Istitutione it had in hand, to inspire young people for the MOBA. On the one hand were the producers. Roco did several years ago the Roco-Line track out with Gummibettung. A wonderful product, robust and not that unattractive. With this system it was possible temporarily in a rented building a plant, and just as quickly to clear. But then came the bankruptcy, Roco was indeed saved, but the one who had to go with also took the patent for Roco-track. Conclusion, today there is no more track system that would be suitable for the rapid ups and Cancel grow without major damage.
A further master, takes me back to Rage is Hr. Werner Gahler of the HAG model trains Leise in the canton of St. Gallen Mörschwil !!!!!!!! This Hr. Gahler dares but actually immerk urz complaining before Christmas in the SF Tagesschau how bad the Modellbahnindustire stands. Entschldigung but HAG digging their own grave formally with their corporate structure. Nothing against the models of HAG, I like them. But when I enter a MOBA store, and a HAG model see, the MOBA-entry searches as quickly as possible into the distance. The prices from such horrors, and with very little effort (well, it would face several CH-jobs are at stake) HAG could reduce costs.
That's the model train is difficult, is clear. I know from before. When I do stand to be an avid Modellbähnler, I was systematically excluded. My hobby had not the slightest chance against King Football and co. Even before the teachers were we are alone. So it is today. Today brings you the MOBA still with Märklin name. So if there are parents who want to buy their kids a MOBA go to the dealer. But some of these have nothing better to rotate the head as the poor unknowing customers and potential savior of the MOBA a Märklin track. Super, it costs a vast amount of money, so a Märklin starter, well, you're willing to spend the money for Christmas for the three-cheese high. The boy (but it may well be like a girl, unfortunately, too rare situation) will unpack the car, and wants to play. There it begins. It is just so short, makes a huge noise and soon, the lack of investment Place to be stopped. Later, when happened to the boy a boy, and he discovered he thinks of the MOBA expansion. He goes back to the dealer and must necessarily choose for an AC model. Next door, he sees but the DC models, the good and happy 150th - are more favorable. So he can stay there, and gives the money in the game from shop next door for a gambler game. And so the MOBA has lost more followers ...
märklin aware that I voted for the above example was based on personal experience. In our youth group will have the fatal mistake and decided to Marklin 3-wire system. There has been no exhibition where our modules has no problems ... (And it was not because of our skills, even experienced workers capitulated Märklin)
Clearly one can now discuss the details (as is made in the continuation of the threat is), but in any case, some ideas presented and this is the most important thing ever.
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