Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Best Of Marilyn Chambers Book One

The Collapse of Darwinism and the Fact of Creation Part 2 of 6

And on we go with the classic pseudo-scientific analysis of the evolution theory. After you wanted us to make clear in the first video that the universe is tuned so finely that it would create mandatory, and may Darwin are as amateur naturalist and advocate of materialism and the spontaneous emergence only wrong, it is the second video with the Stanley Miller's famous experiment on.


Today is one, I think, generally believe that the Ursuppenexperiment not the actual conditions during the transition was reflected dead into living matter. As mentioned earlier, recent research suggests rather hydrothermal vents out on the ocean floor, which still lives a variety of organisms. According to this hypothesis was the sun, the first energy source, but chemical energy that exit to the sources from the Earth's interior. So formed in such outlets still without biological intervention purely geological methane from CO2, the conditions seem ideal for a conversion of inorganic into organic molecules.

1:30 "The biggest, insurmountable obstacle to the evolution theory is the incredible complexity a living cell, which can not be explained by coincidences"
Here it becomes clear what approach to such a video and corresponding faithful advocates of the doctrine of creation in the head needs. Not only this video but also in many other discussions as well as YouTube and over again, a point is clear. As soon as something is still not fully understood and has a high complexity, it may not have come naturally. In earlier times, this belief extended example, the weather that the believer direct sign from God brought. Until it was researched sufficiently.
Another problem with the ubiquitous " random is. Here you have to look at the evolution of a bit more accurate. Random mutations, so unplanned changes in the genome. The copy of such quantities of information must inevitably lead to errors. There are indeed repair enzymes, the DNA will remain in original condition as possible, but are also not perfect. Finally ensure environmental influences such as radiation for mutations. When finally comes to reproductive mutations the union of two genomes, which provide for further changes in the offspring. All this means that each of the next generation has an altered genome.
This was the chance. Now to what is no accident - and apparently no one knows what the makers of the video: selection . This one describes a process which runs as follows: a group of animals entering a new ecological niche that it has to be room. They consume food to survive attempts, and offers among its members a range of genetic variation. Now is our niche as of course no paradise and offers some members of the group benefits, other disadvantages. Thus, for example, giraffes with long necks in an area with tall growing food better chance of survival than short-necked giraffes . As a result, the animals are better adapted to the group more likely to survive until she can testify young when the disadvantaged group. In other words: the favored group has a higher chance of their genes to the offspring to pass. In our example, giraffes, this means that the genes of the extinct short necks in the group by and by, as their carrier, the giraffes with short necks, often die before reproductive than their colleagues with the long necks.
shall fix by a gene variant and makes for a very long time for the gradual change of the entire population. Of a new type is when the changes are so far advanced that a reproduction with former fellow is no longer possible. However, still lacks a clear definition of the species concept. Clearly, however, that the selection is not accidental. Rather, it is a word that represents the environmental conditions that lead to the disappearance of maladjusted and transfer of highly suitable genetic variations.
brainwashing but I will not run, of course, who wants to can continue the pattern too complex - Hold the "God". I am just trying to clear up misunderstandings.

3:35 "Even in the most advanced laboratories in the world it is not possible to generate from inanimate matter is a living cell."
This is natural and, unfortunately, correct. But in contrast to what the "documentary" is said (that the research field at the end, would not plunk down more white and preferably all), is here researching a lot lately and initial breakthroughs have been achieved. It has been possible this year, a completely liberated from DNA, a modified bacterium genome of another implant, which after the transfer fully functional was - and contained an e-mail address in the genetic code. The synthetic biology is still relatively young, keep the research already failed for now would be inappropriate. The gained insight that the task is impossible should, in any case not a scientist from the field, and that the experiments were set is simply a false information.

07:20 "Of course, not such an unusual structure formed by itself and by pure coincidence"
Da based the whole video on the misconception , evolution would be randomly completely, there is not much to say on this record. Of course is the DNA did not occur by chance. The ensuing argument, which leads to the conclusion that only God (or Allah because of me) the only possible origin may be, is therefore invalid. And as in the rest of the video but nothing else happens, we consider the second part checked off as.


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