Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Casio Frogman Toronto Sell

The Collapse of Darwinism and the Fact of Creation Part 3 of 6

third act of the tragedy of the decline of the natural sciences. Be curious to see what will be played in a few minutes Darwin to Lamarck and why the continuing research refuted more and more parts of the theory ...


As we have noted that previous attempts as evidence that life can arise from inanimate matter, failed because the test set was defective, we deal first not continue with the comments at the beginning of the video. Still lack sufficient knowledge of the precise initial conditions, ie above all the chemical components that were involved. Despite all the synthetic biology one of the emerging research fields in biology in general.

From here it is all conjecture, despite initially a good description of the evolutionary selection . Added that the selection does not generally affect short-term but changes on long time scales the gene pool. In striking was that not "sorted out" just old and weak animals but also those which have for the current environment less suitable gene variants.
What organisms are ultimately preferable, then? Those that are less susceptible to disease, particularly strong animals, may the opposite sex more attractive-looking and some that show the specific adaptations to the environment. Why just them? Animals that become sick easily, have a clear survival disadvantage compared with resistant animals. You can bring in dangerous situations less often contribute the full power, less attractive to the opposite sex to die, often from diseases. Therefore, the probability of fathering offspring, less than in animals whose genome has greater resistance to disease. Physically strong animals in turn have greater opportunities the battle for sexual partners, even alone, this point increases the chance of offspring or the transfer of own genes. The higher survival in a dangerous environment to come. Often increase the attractiveness to potential partners of the opposite sex a significant role. Thus, there are birds, because of their huge tail feathers can fly any more. This same springs but they make very attractive to the females. Why? A bird that is huge, flying disabling and can make energy more expensive end of tail feathers, and still well over the coming rounds, must have a strong genome and therefore an ideal partner for the procreation of descendants. Finally, the specific environmental adaptations . Let us take an ecological niche in a forest in which the food a specific species, because of me any larvae, usually in thin cavities is in trees. And now two birds of the species that are anatomically completely identical - with one exception. The beak of a bird is a little thinner and a little bit longer. Nothing unusual, a small variation in the genes responsible for the beak. We humans have finally all have different noses, hair colors, and so on. But the second bird will prevail. It comes easily to his food, it has therefore easier to survive and shows more offspring. In the long term, the genes for short beaks are gradually being sorted out, the population will have on average longer and thinner beaks. How selection.

Again we come to on Youtube probably most quoted part of Darwin's "Origin of Species", the difficulties of the theory . Here Darwin is quoted as saying: "As long as the emergence of any useful changes, natural selection has no effect". That's right. Changes but do not change the fact that this case has yet occurred, nor any sound proof against the theory.

Next, there's a little School Biology . A brief description of Lamarck's thinking is emphasized in the theory of transmission of acquired adaptations in life from one generation to the next special.
Darwin [...] has not yet thought up a fantastic dramatic example. "
direct switching to Darwin, Lamarck's theory nor in mind now is the impression that could emerge spontaneously from bears whales. According to Lamarck's theory absurd and the followers Darwin, Lamarck had thought a little further developed towards madness, the viewers for the long-awaited clarification be willing to no longer of scientific charlatans a false truth need to be sold.

So now the Enlightenment: Darwin was the only reason why, on his own in the eyes of the speaker from today's perspective, absurd theory, because there was no time to their respective research fields of biology including genetics, microbiology or biochemistry.

funnily enough seem to be following a host of observations and experiments that support the theory of evolution (no, I'm starting here in no listings, the skeptics might go to http://pubmed.gov and see for yourself) now claims to Lamarck's true. At least it has been found in the recent past is that certain environmental factors such as famines over Impact across generations. Unlike some versions on YouTube, considering that this finding refutes the theory of evolution as the mechanism he seems to be epigenetic in nature. This relatively new area of research examined the activation and deactivation of gene segments by the so-called methylation. It is possible that may change the properties of the genome by these same control mechanism.

Do not worry, the rest is yet to ...


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