Small Inset: We all know
comparing the recent history of the universe one year in a calendar .
01.01. - The universe begins to exist
31.01. - Our Milky Way formed
01.08. - Our solar system formed
16.08. - First life occurs on Earth
31.12. - From 20 clock takes the history of mankind instead
31.12. - From 23:59:24 Clock begins what we call "culture"
By comparison, at the end of the degenerate era, we have thought in this calendar that corresponds to the first year of
entire history from the dawn of the universe today, approximately 714,285,714,285,714 trillion
years behind us ...
4) The Black Hole Era (the era of black holes)
100 Sextilliarden (10 ^ 41) years and 100 Tredezilliarden (10 ^ 83) years after the Big Bang
The only objects that the proton decay of the 3rd Age will survive are black holes. These could be composed of protons or not, they are visible to us, anyway. Now we break the fourth era, the black holes. Are objects whose escape velocity is so high that they can not even escape more light. [Note: in order to overcome the force of gravity, one must reach a speed of about 11.2 km / s (equivalent to 40,320 km / h), to leave the sun would be 617.3 km / s is necessary. A black hole leave a speed of 300,000 km / s required and as the speed of light around that value and can not be exceeded, nothing escapes these structures]
The original definition included a black hole that he can not escape. But have gone since and quantum theoretical considerations, it seems possible, as could escape in spite of all radiation from a black hole. This process is so slow that it is now not thought necessary to make it. But in the distant future, when all the stellar objects are gone, black holes radiate due to the escape of so-called Hawking radiation the brightest objects in the universe and thus take on the role played by the star today.
There are different types of black holes. On the one hand, that result from supernovae and occur when a neutron star accumulates enough additional mass to the black hole itself. This class is called stellar black holes as they emerged from the stellar objects and have similar masses. The number of stellar black holes in the future Milky Way is estimated to be about a million. On the other hand, there are supermassive black holes as they are in the center to find the galaxies. These black holes do not have the Mass of several suns but are millions or even billions of times more massive. If you look at the motions of stars in the center of any galaxy look, we notice that they move very quickly to a relatively small, central, invisible object. The mass, which is necessary to accelerate the surrounding stars so moved, as mentioned above, in the range of millions or billions of solar masses, but is concentrated on a relatively small area. These conditions meet only black holes. That in our own Milky Way is about 3 million solar masses while still relatively small.
The escape velocity of a black hole exceeds the speed of light
We will have a physical inventory of the universe in the Black Hole Era, we find that there are a few black holes each of which is brightly lit by the Hawking radiation. But black holes do not live forever. Depending annihilated by their mass black holes themselves after a certain time. A black hole with the mass of our sun [Note: would be great for about 3 km, the sun as it is today has a diameter of nearly 1.4 million kilometers] would exist in this way about 10 ^ 65. A typical stellar black hole [Note: with more mass, the sun is in fact too easy at the black hole to be] would be 1,000 times longer, pass after 10 ^ 68. A supermassive black hole as the center of our Milky Way would have disappeared after 10 ^ 83. And at some point there would be no more and the Black Hole Era was over, the most powerful black holes with over 2 billion solar masses.
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