Uploaded in the YouTube category" education ", played by . Albrecht Graf von Brandenstein-Zeppelin promises the video is an objective discussion of the topics in general.
"Is the theory of evolution wrong idea?
Scientific evidence is lacking.
Is evolution theory is a deliberate attack on the Creator God? "
... says the description of the video. Formulated a little one-sided and a look at the life of Count casts further doubt. Wikipedia indicates that he owner, publisher and editor of the Catholic newspaper "Today church" is. He is also Chairman of Medjugorje Germany (Medjugorje is a village in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where since 1981 to Mary, the mother of Jesus appear,), a member of some katholoischen groups and mission projects involved. However, we remain unbiased and
us look at the video again.
Creation or Evolution - Part 1
The soul of man God is present, the first based on the official church opinion finding. Due to the above listed activities of Brandenstein-Zeppelin, we are not surprised and look forward to the central question: where does the body? Since the church here has not yet formulated an opinion, is the topic for discussion released and is now illuminated. be
Even here it should be noted that there is likely to return to a "vs. creationism. Evolution is tantamount. The question of whether man created by God or (!) Has been shaped by evolution, is a clear indication. Actually I am interested to exchange ideas with moderate believers, the date the earth not just a few thousand years, and scientific methods to attach a certain relevance, much more. Unfortunately, you'll find from many of the variety in the network. Well, because given the lurid, polarizing videos, blog posts etc. more clicks and does not have the creationist thinking believers no exaggerated need to talk. Further in the text ...
"This big bang theory convinced me at all personally. Since my holy book already seems plausible. "
have thus, my hopes for an interesting video evaporated as far as possible, and all fears confirmed. If so is a respectable gentleman in suit and with a title in front of the camera and an open question, no statement argues, as demanded by the audience something other than an answer to the question of just under four minutes in the first of four videos. Also says that so early Outen, that a physically absurd tradition of the Earth, which puts the incorrect scientifically recognized methods such as the C14 dating, understood as literal truth and, at least in principle, logical Big Bang, which as a theory on a comfortable cushion of confirming observations rests prefer, something about the person of Brandenstein-Zeppelin. We still have the remains analysis sarcastic nature, the rest of the video can appear hopefully more entertaining than it is ...
Where the rest of the first part of disks is not much. The serious man in the suit still only starts the attempt, his feeling of the rightness of the doctrine of creation with eyewitness accounts of Jesus to support action. So continue with second part
Creation or Evolution - Part 2
And already we are presented with some wisdom: the literal interpretation of the Bible is almost impossible and not sensible. Thank you. Second. We must be grateful to the Church that us the choice of Bible content and its interpretation decreases. A certain church affiliation I was so struck at the start already.
"... no one has until now been scientifically proven that there was the big bang and that evolution has actually taken place. It's just an idea. And personally for me a not very plausible idea. It can slam the only [...] if anything there that can explode. [...] And why should such a thing complicated by an explosion may have been due to down like the rest of creation. By a bang creation is destroyed. "
finally presents us Albrecht Graf von Brandenstein-Zeppelin the full extent of his ignorance . While it is not just great to have no knowledge of physics and biology, compared to all the people on Youtube, are not even whole sentences or control their limbs smoothly such a knowledge gap appears almost irrelevant. However, be equipped, as extensive with misinformation, but do not connect to the public and form.
That the Evolution is said to have taken place - past tense - is the first point, and shows us that the speaker has a lack of knowledge in the field, about which he gives a lecture, no clear distinction between evolution and Genesis into existence gets. From the mouth of the Earl of evolution also appears as an act of creation, which has just initiated only not of God but an ominous explosion. And complete.
We, as readers continue building blog, know that evolution is an ongoing process that takes place still.
Then the explosion . An explosion is a reaction, a rapid and sharp rise of temperature and pressure with the result. The pressure wave created by a strong volume expansion of gases, much energy is released in a short time in a small space. Hence the well-known destructive effect. So we have
bottom line certain elements or molecules together produce and respond by extending the three-dimensional space, a pressure wave. Where is the problem with the Big Bang of the count? It's simple: the space in which to spread the pressure wave could, was missing. The chemical constituents of such an explosion as well. And time, could play in the response, also the last time.
Granted, the initial conditions are neither observed nor calculated, although the latter could change with a comprehensive theory of physics. An explosion was the big bang is not. In contrast to an explosion that spreads in space, namely the Big Bang began to expand the space itself. And with him the time. This is the point of the theory, the Most problems arise. How has the expansion of space to present itself? Imagine a classroom where one is sitting at his table, and around, like in a classroom, it is usual, many other tables are added. Would expand to monitor not the classroom but the space, so the three-dimensional grid, in which we are all of us, one would find that all the tables away from each other. No matter what place you sit. In parallel, one in the 20th Century observed that all galaxies are moving away from us. This was the discovery of the expansion of the universe. And from here to the Big Bang, there is only a small step. By determining the speed with which the Space expands, we can calculate back to the past. How big was the universe 1000 years ago, before 1 million years ago, 1 billion years ago, when we come to a starting point, have begun on the extension do? Some 14 billion years ago. And since the speed of light is finite and the "speed" in the universe is because a light year is the distance that can cover the light in one year, we see 14 billion light-years in each direction, if we turn our gaze to the night sky. All that is further away remains hidden from us, because we still could not reach that light.
Creation or Evolution - Part 3
"... this death of the weakest zebra does not mean that the other zebras zebras suddenly give birth to live or an antelope or mutate to the giraffe. [...] An evolution always takes place within a species but never across species. "
Gradually, I feel strong about my oral German-Abi recalls. No book even begin to read, including the blurbs but rich. No idea of the different eras, the biographies, or anything else. And in the test itself then anything zusammengestammelt, hoping to get any serious question that could reveal the gap in scientific knowledge - get hold of a few points and quickly disappeared from the scene!
The difference to our counts is that he had to face in the video revealing any questions. And that he has given his half-knowledge of the voluntary and public.
Well, I for my part, I'll still watch the rest, keep a comfortable smoking and the fingers still. Seriously respond to comments like the latter is simply not possible. Have fun ...
Creation or Evolution - Part 4
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