Sunday, July 11, 2010

How Do Confirm Pregnant

The history of the universe of 1 of 5

When I discovered several months ago following link ( ), I did not get out of reading. Much was already known to me some are not. All in all, certainly a very interesting text. As luck will, I have him for reasons that I do not know at this time, all being translated: D

Happy reading

1) The Primordial Era (The Prehistoric)
? to 3 seconds after the Big Bang
The first is called the Cretaceous era, which is basically the Big Bang theory. At the beginning there was no real space or time, because space and time have not yet differentiated. They would also have to be brought together to describe the universe in this era of quantum theory and general relativity. The universe had an age of 10 ^ -43 seconds reached, ended the era of quantum gravity and certain core educational processes eventually led to the actual origin of the universe as we know it. In practice this means that a small area Spacetime begins to exist and to create something in which both space and time defined. From that point on, our universe to exist as a universe.

urknall The big bang was an explosion in space, but the origin of space itself and was therefore not at a certain place in the universe instead

First of all this universe began to expand at breakneck speed. This early phase of extremely rapid expansion explains many properties of the universe that we see today, as the homogeneity and isotropy, ie the same conditions at each point in the universe and the same power distribution in each direction. This phase of expansion (inflationary stage) took place, as 10 ^ -37 seconds had elapsed since the Big Bang. At this early stage was anything in the universe of radiation, as produced particles and antiparticles mutually immediately after their formation again extinguished. And just at that time there was a significant event: the creation of matter. Experiments show that in the production of matter ever created an equivalent amount of antimatter. Why, then, there exists a material universe? And why antimatter is no longer existent in principle? The reason was a asymmetry between matter and antimatter, which originated in the first microsecond of the universe and had the benefit the matter failed. The fact that not every particle had an opposite, which could wipe it, it was not anti-matter soon.
But matter is not immortal. Protons, the core building blocks of atoms, is estimated at a "life" of 10 ^ 33 years. If the protons decay once, no matter exists anymore. After the universe is a second was old, it was cooled down so far that protons and neutrons to atomic nuclei - could combine - such as helium. What exists today is helium, for the most part from this early period of the universe, of a second after the Big Bang to the third minute. Although today's stars produce helium, but the Helium from the first three minutes is more than all the stars that have ever existed in the universe, produce ever could. The energy that was free then exceed those that generate all the stars in the universe today. The Big Bang Theory
is therefore logical and probably true because even today can be seen in the cosmic Hintergrundstahlung still an afterglow of this early, extremely energy-rich, dense, hot phase of the universe. Although the ubiquitous radiation on the whole is homogeneous and uniform - but not completely. The differences and asymmetries that are different from the average can only 1/100.000, be measured since the 90s and may be the precursor of today's galaxies. Let


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