Sunday, July 11, 2010

Is There Software Similar To Jibjab

Evangelicals and evolution

Finally a post to the actual main topic of this blog. But first a few numbers. That the creationism, So the belief in the Genesis of the Bible and God is widely used as the sole creator of all living things exist in the U.S., most people know. That there is more than two thirds of the population of the U.S. concerns rather unwell. But in Germany there is a moderate for the most part but still impressive in number of supporters.

About 20% of all Germans are the evolutionary theory, at least skeptical of
According to a survey of 1200 student teachers accept 15%, the theory does not
of prospective biology teachers doubt impressive 7% in the evolution

About sponsorship and information channel attributes this movement also strong in Germany encouraged. This gives teachers such as free information to Genesis and from different schools has become known that the doctrine of creation has sometimes kept even in the biology class collection.

Behind the movement to a large extent the evangelicals who form a belief in Protestantism. This group is based on the historical accuracy of the Bible and takes it as the basis for all knowledge. Findings, which conflict with the error-free knowledge, are not allowed because the Bible as God's words is based on human science.
In Germany make evangelicals 1-3% of the total population, the German Evangelical Alliance, with (by his own admission) 1.3 million members the largest representation.

adherents proportion of religious people in the total population of American counties

Based on the assumption that the Bible is without error and definitely God's word is, in consequence, that the evangelicals in general, the apparent randomness of the scientific explanation of the world attack, in particular it seems that the theory of evolution to have identified as a central enemy. In that spirit, I've once the Department for doubters "in an evangelical home ( ) viewed. This educational work is done and the misguided atheist be performed on the right path. " Open Letter to an atheist "

on the actual letter I'm happy again if required detail, but it can also be summarized briefly. Here again, the atheist a believer attached and the people in general, denied a claim for the assessment of other people or activities because such assessments only under a higher authority, God, be possible. It is emphasized that the atheist man is a product of chance and, I interpret the text properly, may have ultimately no soul. This could be discussed since long, what a soul is finally actually, I'm with my soulless, atheistic chemical reactions in the brain but actually quite happy ... and now we go:

" Did you know that a principle of computer science, that information not by itself - so coincidentally - is made? Without software (= Information) is not a computer. And is a well known software could not by itself since it quietly wait for a million years, whether created on the computer software - it will not happen.
.... but it is felt that the most complex and perfect information at all - The DNA -. Against all of our software is a Fliegenschiß is incurred by itself
I get more and more the impression that the development of DNA likes to call" is Paff, suddenly there she was seen. " Thus, for easier argue against it. But that the DNA is subjected to an evolutionary process, which pulls out the "argument" does not read. Especially since it has been possible in recent times even the produce is fundamental to the structure of DNA bases and ribose of inorganic material.

" Did you know that there is an iron law of physics by which energy is ever completely out of nowhere? The Energy only changes its state: By the combustion chemical energy to power and heat. Conversely, in the light of the sun through photosynthesis, chemical energy in the form of sugar. Even the tiny form of energy on our planet comes ultimately from the sun. And the sun's energy comes from the hydrogen-based energy, from which feeds the nuclear fusion.
.... but it is felt that the whole universe - the sum of all energy, so to speak - in a "big bang" out of nothing has emerged
The idea of the Big Bang is based on the observation that the universe is expanding.. Now there are two possibilities to explain the phenomenon. Either the universe was always there and eventually just started to expand Sun Or one expects the extension and expansion speed back in time and ends at some point in a point of unimaginable density, temperature and energy.
was to dissolve the dummy argument said that has raised the energy conservation law of thermodynamics only by the existence of the prevailing laws of nature apply. Now there were in the first moments (stupid expression, but the time was finally only after the Big Bang) or the laws of nature as we know it today, nor was there any space or time and for what the universe is ultimately developed, is likely to be very long time or even for always remain a mystery.
Who here the alternative explanation, "God's war" appeals more, please. Science has finally no better explanation at hand;)

" Did you know that the central claim of evolutionary theory is that to prevail in the natural selection always only those properties that are useful to survive? But all the organs of our body are only useful if they work, and complete. Who benefits from an incomplete eye? Which animal uses the precursor of a wing, with which it can fly or glide? What good is an animal heart, not sufficiently developed, is to pump blood? Nature is full of things that are useful only in the final state. According to evolutionary theory, but all precursors should have them die, because only that - at least to some extent - developed organ is useful for something.
.... but it is felt that the properties of all living things have evolved due to evolutionary processes by selection
. "
As already mentioned in another post: the" now "is not the end, the goal or the objective of developing end-point . Rather, every creature that ever existed or will exist, only a intermediate form to the next. There is no development steps as such, evolution is an ongoing process. Only the human description of what is going on in evolution, such as the definition of "art" and the establishment of other species, making them look like a process that runs away gradually from stage to stage appear. Here I have to read again but even in terms of examples. I can `t make me not as easy as the author of Evangelicals and must bring evidence instead of rhetorical questions.

The next point I am not saying it to be great to lose words. So more ...

" you realize that atheism is a belief ? Even if You believe that there is no God, you think. A Christian based its faith with the experiences he has made with God. Or with the conviction of God's word. Or with the change, God has given. But how you explain your atheist beliefs? With the behavior of some people ("religious wars", etc.)? Because their behavior speaks against the existence of God, objectively? Then spoke the behavior of many atheists for the existence of God, right?
you create or your atheistic beliefs to specific events, which do you think that it could not happen if God is there? Could these events not just as well mean that God is just different than you think?
I think that you are not even an atheist can seriously deny that God is possible
. "
Here is exactly the point I'm in a different post intentionally emphasizes strong. No, my belief is that God does not exist. I do not believe that God exists. Nor, as I believe that tomorrow the sun falls on the earth. For both, I have no evidence - so why break your head about it? Again
in all clarity: there is no atheist beliefs . Theism is the belief, atheism (note the word origin) to the contrary. What's as to not understand? equate

Many believers commit the mistake of not believing the atheist with a belief in God's nonexistence.

" If you are you aware that God is possible in spite of your atheistic faith is - then you ever thought about that as an atheist, you really can lose only?
If you had with your atheism right, you had no advantage. Because for you if, with death as "all over" for me. Added to this is that atheists are in this life at a disadvantage: in the statistical section have Atheists against Christian believers a significantly lower life expectancy refer to themselves in the polls almost twice as likely as dissatisfied, have a much higher divorce and suicide rates are more often sick and have significantly more likely to struggle with drug and alcohol problems. This one may want to explain psychological - but there are facts
Of which I previously knew nothing.. The statistics for that I would like to see again, I only know that theists have on average a lower IQ ...

" If I have as a Christian right, it looks for you or a lot worse. Then you can expect after death Hell. Forever.
to want to hold on atheism, therefore - a purely external view - a most illogical
I mean any event that it is not very reasonable, something to note which one can lose in any conceivable alternative only -., Unseen, the discarded, what could be the only hope "
So at best as our environment Chancellor, holding flags in the wind and hope that in the end everything will be fine?

" I can totally understand that you are skeptical. I can understand that you are not from one day to change your mind. But you would have as an atheist, actually have nothing to do more urgent to consider than whether or not something else, less hopeless, the truth might be. But strangely enough, most atheists, that I had to do, were lethargic and uninterested in creedal terms. They followed just their preconceived opinions, without questioning them or even seriously want to create.
It is convenient not to think
. "
I see myself any more than called to verify the existence of God, as to see whether occurring before my house is a tear in the space-time. Especially since, by definition, God is not verifiable. I also wonder why the faithful world view represent the atheist so much as a hopeless and depressing. I feel not so. The rest I'll give you back the same author ...


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